Sunday, December 28, 2014

Why I cant wear sleeveless clothes anymore.

This might not come as a shock to anyone that almost every major religion in this world at the moment has grades or levels. They have different levels of "conservatism" or being "tolerant" or "stringent". Well Islam is no different. There are whole communities of Muslims adhering to one code of clothing, modesty and behavior while completely ignoring other communities of the same religion having completely different codes.

My family and the circle I move around in (Most friends) think that baring your shoulders/ wearing sleeveless clothes is completely haraam or out of the question. It is indecent. When I point out to them that in Islam a woman should be covering her whole arms up to her wrists, she should be covering her head, her face, her whole neck and bosom area and only show her eyes, I am met with quiet agreement. They all know they should be observing the Pardah/Satr according to the true rules laid down by Islam for women. 

Yet they find loopholes around it. Everyone has their own personal justification to wearing the clothes that they wear. "Oh you know I feel really bad about not observing pardha/hijab but at least Im trying. At least I don't wear sleeveless clothes. At least I wear decent clothes". Decent. Everyone seems to have their own definition of that word. And somehow that's completely okay.

It is decent for some Muslim women I know to wear tight clothes just as long as they cover your whole body. It is indecent for others to wear tight clothes and there are still other who say everything is alright as long as it is not your "intention" to look for "attention" or to "seduce". When I ask them what's so wrong with looking for attention or looking seductive they look at me like I'm insane.

Lets take this discussion a step further and talk about some Muslims that I know living abroad (the UK and some in US and Canada). When I talk to them I realize those people also have their own set of standards to judge their fellow Muslim women. They gossip about and discuss to death any Muslim woman (especially Pakistani) who went to the beach wearing an ACTUAL swimsuit. As if that isn't what you are supposed to wear when you visit the beach. They are very nonchalant about wearing tight t-shirts and 3-quarter shorts to the beach because enough of them are wearing it for it to become as the acceptable standard of modesty. (Not that I mind them wearing it but it makes them complete hypocrites).

And don't even get me started on the sleeveless Muslims. These Muslim women know other Muslim women judge them. But exactly like the women who judge them, these women judge others who may take it a step further. It is completely okay for them to wear a sleeveless kameez while their legs are covered, but God Forbid someone they know wore a sleeveless dress leaving her legs bare too. God damn she's a kaafir. She's declared a total kaafir and there are no two opinions about it. Nope. No muslim can do that. These poor souls even justify their choices with things like "I only wear it when I'm around family. You know weddings and stuff and college events. I'd never wear it walking down the street or something". WHY NOT woman? Its the same exact act just in different surroundings! How does that make you a better or worse muslim?

What these Muslims don't understand is that they themselves are "sinning" when not observing the true dress code or "Satr". Satr means the parts of the body obligatory on a Muslim man or woman to keep hidden from others 
(For women almost everything entirely except the face and even that in some fiqahs of Islam, while for men just the teensy bit between the navel and the knees). 

Besides the very obviously sexist definition of Satr, the majority of Pakistani Muslim women I know DON'T observe Satr. And it angers me to see that even then when they are completely aware of themselves "sinning" according to their own religion how dare they judge someone else who might be sinning a little bit more in the same exact department? That's like saying yeah I know I robbed a bank but that guy is worse because he stole more money.

Take it from me people. If there was a God you would both be going to hell in his eyes. Yeah. Doesn't matter which one was doing it worse. Have you ever thought that maybe she doesn't believe in the same bullshit you believe in? Maybe she doesn't think a giant ego-maniac in the sky is noting down every wardrobe choice she ever makes.

If it disturbs you that much, go and do exactly what you are preaching first. In fact if you were such a huge champion of Islam you wouldn't be discussing her clothes in the first place. Seeing as how in Islam if anyone backbites their "fellow Muslim" they are going to be eating the flesh of their own brother. 

" O you who have believe, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful. " [Verse 49:12] of the oh-so-holy Quran.

Rant over.

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