About this blog

This is the blog of a 20-something atheist from Pakistan who was born into a Muslim family. I'm not here to discuss religion and neither am I here to defend my decision of becoming an atheist. Infact I'd rather not use that word to describe myself since it puts me inside a box with a label on it. I'd rather people didn't classify me into a category and attach with me all the negative connotations associated with atheism. I would hate to be stereotyped just like a Muslim would hate to be stereotyped. But if I had to say it I guess I would call myself a "Humanist" or a non-theist.

No I do not believe in doing whatever the hell I want. I am not a moral-less human being. I have also not lost my faith in humanity and I am not depressed or in need of psychological help. I am neither confused nor lost. This change has not happened over night and I wasn't led astray by some "infidel". It was a long process and  I have never felt more alive and more aware than after I gave up Islam. I still tell the truth. I don't lie (mostly). I don't cheat. I dont think you should get ahead with whatever means necessary. I still am trying to be a decent human being even after knowing there is no God there to judge me and there will be no judgement here after. (Trust me its not that hard).

I am not anti-Muslim just as I am not anti-Christian or anti- anything for that matter. I am just a non-theist. Non-believing. (Yep going straight to hell). Unless ofcourse that Muslim/Christian/whatever believes in some form of bigotry that subjugates the rights of others.

I have never felt more alive, more in the present, more alert and more in control than I did after I gave  up being associated with the bigotry and hypocritical religion of Islam. Not just Islam. I took every major religion out there and none of them succeeded in convincing me it was the word of God. Islam for a very long time influenced my life and my decisions but I could not reconcile my own human values with those of the sexist racist violent teachings of Islam that most people love to brush under the carpet. I also came to realize that the Quran claimed to be the word of God is just a book written by man. It is filled with inaccuracies and errors and no matter how much I may want to believe it, proof and history and science and technology say otherwise. And I would rather believe something tangible, something provable over a myth created by a man over years. A man whose own life I have studied extensively and have come to despise.

But please don't take me wrongly. You have as much right to believe in anything you want as the  next guy. You can believe in the blue little tea pot that lives in our solar system just as long as your beliefs do not impinge on the rights of other human beings.

If you need to know more about atheists check out this very fun list of " Things I wish Everyone knew about Atheism"

Now as for this blog. It is intended to be mainly a satirical blog with funny stories and anecdotes from my religious past and formative years along with the occasional rant or two from an atheist who is surrounded (LITERALLY SURROUNDED) by Muslims all day. My family does not know about me being an atheist and I would like to keep it that way for the sake of my life and my sanity. Only very few trusted people know about me and it is for this purpose I cannot reveal anything beyond my age, gender and the fact that I am from somewhere in Pakistan.

I hope to post regularly and make this an entertaining blog of sorts. Happy reading.

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